Melissa Attebery, Director – Doris Day: My Secret Love

Tell me about Doris Day: My Secret Love.  What do you love most about this play?  What I love most about this play is how real Doris is. We think of her as a commodity, one of the most famous movie stars and singers in American history, but on the inside, she is someone with […]

Paul Adams, Playwright – Doris Day: My Secret Love

Tell me about the play you are working on for Emerging Artists Theatre.  What do you love most about this play?  In Doris Day: My Secret Love, I like the combination of how the songs help move the plot forward with the lyrics resonating in the particular scene or situation. Can you tell us a […]

Ron Elisha, Playwright – Anne Being Frank  

Tell me about the play you are working on for Emerging Artists Theatre.  What do you love most about this play?   It’s a tad immodest to say one ‘loves’ one’s own play, but the aspect I like most is the courage and raw honesty of the position it takes, not only on Anne Frank herself […]

Caytha Jentis, Playwright – Sex Work / Sex Play

Tell me about the play you are working on for Emerging Artists Theatre. What do you love most about this play? I love that Emerging Artists has chosen Sex Work/Sex Play to be part of its 30th Anniversary Return to Off-Broadway. It’s a thrill to be an older playwright and have my first professional production! […]